DECARBOFARM will research how to increase the sustainability and resilience of tomato cultivation, using it as a model plant, to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. Specifically,, se presentará un sistema de producción sostenible mediante el empleo de nuevos bioproductos", beneficial microorganisms, and rootstocks adapted to biotic and abiotic stress, which have been significantly affected by climate change. The proposed system will be more efficient, minimizing greenhouse gas emissions by reducing the use of resources such as water, fertilizers, and pesticides. The success of this research would position the Consortium, which includes Paudire and CEBAS-CSIC from Murcia, as a national and global leader in the research of bioactive products for fertilizer improvement. Additionally, the project will enable the delivery of healthier, more efficient vegetables with fewer chemical contaminants to consumers' tables, aligning with the European Commission's 'FROM FARM TO FORK' strategy.
A new research project coordinated by Hausmann and the R&D funding consultancy Paudire from Murcia and FGT i associats from Catalonia, aims to create new bioactive products for application in fertilizers. The companies Sicop and Unigenia are also part of this innovative Consortium that has launched the DECARBOFARM project, funded by CDTI and with a budget of over one and a half million euros. This project aims to revolutionize agriculture worldwide, by generating crops with lower emissions, more resilience, and greater CO2 fixation.2Specifically, the project focuses on developing bioproducts that increase photosynthesis and, consequently, achieve a balance of CO2 fixation.2 Indeed, this will provide greater growth, efficient use of resources, and increased crop resilience to environmental changes.
A project from the Science and Innovation Missions Program.
This new agricultural innovation project is part of the Science and Innovation Missions program convened by the Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). A total of 137 projects were submitted for this call, of which only 42 were successful, including DECARBOFARM. An innovative project that, in total, has a budget of over one and a half million euros, of which over one million will be subsidized by the state agency CDTI. DECARBOFARM is part of Mission 3, within the 6 missions established in this call, promoting 'a more sustainable agri-food sector adapted to the new conditions associated with climate change through a relevant use of advanced biotechnological tools,' as defined by CDTI in its call.
The Consortium, formed by the agricultural and agri-food technology companies Sicop, Unigenia, and the leading extract company Hausmann, collaborates with CEBAS CSIC in Murcia through three complementary research groups led by Professors José Antonio Pascual, Micaela Carvajal, and Francisco Pérez. Paudire, as the driving force behind the DECARBOFARM Project, and FGT i associats along with Hausmann are responsible for all the management, documentation, and coordination of the different actors within the Consortium, as well as communication, monitoring, and compliance with milestones with CDTI.